

& Website




HealthMatch is a clinical trial matching platform that connects patients to available trials free of charge.

I have been tasked with the entire redesign of the digital product, from the optimisation on the UI to some major UX changes. Continuous improvement of the HealthMatch's app experience (web based) and website implementation of brand redesign.

As a result, my brand and product redesign bring the user base number to 1 million users.
Web App
As part of the HealthMatch app redesign, I got tasked with redesigning the user onboarding flow. The old signup flow is losing users between selecting a condition as the start of the tunnel and creating an account to complete the signup. In addition, the experience is a bit jarring, and it doesn't help the user understand why they need to provide their contact details.
Process and solution
User onboarding flow revamp
I worked with the Growth team, a pair of Engineers and a Product Manager. We scrapped the existing signup flow architecture to start from scratch. We streamlined the website into a straightforward flow which could be addressed in three basic stages: Demographic information, Contact details, Medical questions
Remove the distractions
The ultimate goal is to make users move forward in the signup tunnel and complete the medical questionnaire at the end. Once users click or tap the “Next” button, we want them to stay the course and finalise the signup process. To reduce bounce rates, we trimmed down the navigation bar, removed the footer, dropped all other links or distractions, and created a frictionless signup experience.
Optimise the mobile experience
Based on our analytics, more than 70% of our users access our website via mobile. Meticulously designed for mobile devices resulting in a much higher conversion rate, fewer drop-offs and an overall pleasant user experience. The onboarding questionnaire redesign ensures that critical actions always sit above scroll depth.

Moreover, I've applied the same approach to the editing answers page, profile page, and the rest of the app pages to support the consistent mobile experience for users.
The redesigned user onboarding flow resulted in a 35% increase in signup conversion. Feedback from user interviewers & in the usability study is positive. Users say it's easy to use from user feedback, and the word "clean" was common. Most found our questions are easy to answer and navigate around, including editing answers in the app, adding medication history and finding trials for more than one condition.
UI system
Component Library
I created a component library, allowing me to craft the product's interface quickly. This also gives the development team all the basics and variations needed.
To empower patients with information, improve their experience in accessing treatments, and drive trust and growth at the same time.

As the design lead, I've been reshaping the brand identity and bringing the new brand face to the main website, from the initial user journeys and flows to the website's design. Through constant check-ins with stakeholders, I've gathered requirements and feedback, developed ideas and designed impactful solutions.

Below are before and after redesigning the home page.

Process and solution
Website strategy
The new HealthMatch website is informative and educational rather than convincing and salesy. I've worked closely with stakeholders, and we focused on building credibility by providing more detail about the team, investors and big pharma companies who have a partnership and working with HealthMatch.

To understand the optimist flow for first-time visitors and recurrent users, I start with mapping out a user journey map, architect how the audience moves through the site and finally send them to the signup tunnel.
Style and substance
With the new brand identity I created, I have a clear idea of the visual language the website should look like–informative, accessible, caring and human-centred.

Unlike HealthMatch's clean app interface, the marketing pages are rich with vibrant brand assets and illustrations I created for informative/educational content about related conditions and company information to build trust.

The overall site is designed to provide accessible medical information and break complex medical jargon. In addition, my illustrations approach helps the new website establish an emotional connection with users and works well in growing brand awareness and recognisability.
HealthMatch's new design isn't just a facelift — I redesigned and rebuilt the platform from the ground up with a significantly improved user experience. In addition, I assisted the engineering team by creating a beautiful, flexible, scalable design system (see UI system images above). Complete with all the components they would need to start turning my designs and prototypes into screens.